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Durable Medical Equipment

Choosing a wheelchair for yourself or a senior family member is always a big decision. It’s important to select the right wheelchair for the user’s wants and needs, as they will be spending a significant portion of their time sitting in the device.

There are many different wheelchair options available on the market for seniors with limited mobility. With a little research, a new chair can greatly enhance the independence of the user and improve their quality of life.

Types of Wheelchairs Available for Seniors

Every senior has slightly different mobility needs. Some people may be using a wheelchair as a permanent, everyday mobility solution, while others might just need one for temporary use or for a little extra assistance during longer excursions outside the house.

Review the options below to determine which type of wheelchair will be the best fit for your specific mobility requirements.

Electric Wheelchairs

Electric or motor-powered wheelchairs are ideal for elderly people who have limited upper body mobility. Electric wheelchairs provide additional independence on longer excursions, as they do not need to be self-propelled or pushed by a companion.

While most powerchairs are quite heavy and need to be transported in a van, there are a growing number of portable electric wheelchairs on the market – such as the WHILL Model Ci2 and Pride Go Chair – which disassemble for easy transport. Foldable electric wheelchairs are also becoming a popular option for users who travel frequently.

Standard Manual Wheelchairs

A standard manual wheelchair is often the first option that people will look at when choosing a wheelchair for themselves or a senior family member. Unlike motorized chairs, manual wheelchairs either need to be pushed from behind or self-propelled by pushing the handles on the wheels. These wheelchairs can be ideal for both independent users and users who are being cared for by a nurse or loved one.

There are many different brands and styles of standard wheelchairs. For a comfortable and dependable option that is loaded with features, check out the Blue Streak Wheelchair by Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare.

Heavy Duty Manual Wheelchairs

Heavy duty wheelchairs are ideal for seniors who need additional support from their mobility device. These wheelchairs are designed to accommodate taller or wider adults and usually have a max weight capacity of around 500 lbs. Because they can accommodate heavier people, these wheelchairs tend to be heavier as well, making them slightly more difficult to transport or store than a regular wheelchair.

The Drive Sentra Bariatric is a great all-around heavy duty wheelchair option, coming standard with a 20” to 24” seat and reinforced side frame.

Lightweight Manual Chairs

Lightweight wheelchairs for seniors are designed to fold-up and move easily. They are typically less wide than standard wheelchairs, which makes them more maneuverable in narrow hallways and other tight indoor spaces. Lightweight wheelchairs also have a lighter frame and can fit in the trunk of most car models, making them far easier to transport than electric or heavy duty wheelchairs.

The Drive Steel Transport Chair is an example of an excellent lightweight wheelchair that is both affordable and versatile.

Ultralight Manual Chairs

Ultralight wheelchairs can weigh as little as ten pounds and are ideal for seniors who will need to travel and transport their chair quite often. These chairs are not as rugged as the wheelchairs mentioned above and usually cannot accommodate heavier users.

An ultra-lightweight wheelchair like the Drive Fly-Lite Transport Wheelchair can be easily folded and lifted by most people, making it a great fit for an elderly person who has a variety of caregivers with different strength levels.

Lift Chairs

Lift chairs and reclining chairs can serve as a great complementary product for seniors who are looking to purchase a wheelchair. Lift chairs come in a variety of different sizes and weights and are great for seniors who may need additional help standing up or simply need to be resting at different angles for comfort.

The Golden Signature Imperial Chair is an example of a fantastic all-in-one lift chair that can provide additional support for your head, neck, and lower back while sitting down.

Walkers and Rollators

Walkers and rollators can be an excellent full-time mobility option for seniors who can walk without significant pain but require a little extra assistance on longer excursions. Rollators often come equipped with a seat, allowing users to take short rests as needed. A walker or rollator can also serve as a valuable secondary device for seniors who are already using a wheelchair as their primary mobility device.

The Drive Nitro Elite Carbon Fiber Rollator is an example of a strong, sleek rollator that comes equipped with a durable and comfortable seat.

For more information on available walkers and rollators, check out our blog post on the best narrow walkers for small spaces.

Things to Consider When Purchasing a Wheelchair for a Senior

There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a wheelchair for a senior, including features, weight, transportability, and (of course) the price tag. For more information about wheelchair rentals, contact the CCH Home Medical Resources department.

With more than 40 years experience in durable medical equipment, Home Medical Resources' staff here at CCH is committed to helping people live better lives by offering the best medical technology, supplies and service. Home Medical Resources also provides pickup and delivery service for most medical equipment. We take the time to ensure that when your equipment arrives a staff member is available to assist with set-up, education and adjusting to the equipment. Contact us today at 307-688-6260.

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  • Category: Home Medical Resources