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Mood & The Summer Heat

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Summer brings time for families and friends to enjoy one another with outdoor activities, local events, barbecues, camping, and lately the HEAT. High temperatures can impact our moods and ability to regulate responses within our mental health as well as our physical self. Low moods, anxiety, insomnia, moodiness, irritability, and physical aches all may be symptoms of exposure to heat. The increase in body temperature due to exposure to heat also increases risk of these symptoms. Seasonal depression and mood changes are impactful during the cold days of winter, but also during the days of summer where temperatures are at their highest. Current local temperatures have reached an average of 89 to 90 degrees. (check on the current temperature:

According to recent research in the Science of The Total Environment, studies show evidence that emergency room visits increase during times of extreme short term heat exposure, and mood difficulties and substance abuse use increases during high temperatures.

One way to prevent the negative symptoms of summer heat is to be aware. Be aware of your location, the weather, and physical symptoms. If you are going to be outside, plan ahead. Keep healthy snacks and sugar free drinks available for hydration. Pay attention to your body through mindfulness. Ask yourself: How much sun exposure will this activity bring? Will we have access to cool areas/shade or should we bring an umbrella? If water is not available, plan to bring coolers or prepared water bottles to prevent dehydration. Any event goes better when everyone feels at their best. Try to go as a group and share in the preparation. Monitor your children for changes in their mood, skin tone, or statements of “I am too hot.” Allow for time in your daily schedule to drink water to aid in body regulation and prevent moodiness during summer activities.

Submitted by Jessica Delgatto, LPC, Kid Clinic

Jessica’s training includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Central Florida centered on nonprofit management and grant writing, and a Master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling, with a focus on crisis and trauma prevention. The Kid Clinic is a school-based clinic providing primary medical care and counseling services at 702 S. Kendrick Ave., just east of Twin Spruce Junior High School. Call the Kid Clinic at 688-8700 to make an appointment.



Eun-hye Yoo, Youngseob Eum, John E. Roberts, Qi Gao, Kai Chen. (2021). Association between extreme

temperatures and emergency room visits related to mental disorders: A multi-region time-series

study in New York, USA, Science of The Total Environment, 792.

*Written and submitted by the Kid Clinic staff

  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic