List of Local Mental Health Resources
Campbell County Prevention Council and the Campbell County Suicide Prevention Coalition have compiled a comprehensive list of mental health services for residents of Campbell County, Wyoming. That list of services is available:
If you are a provider who is not listed, please contact Ashley Whisler, Community Prevention Specialist for Campbell County, at 307-687-6490 or adw50@ccgov.net.
Additional Contacts
Behavioral Health Services
501 S. Burma Ave.
Gillette, WY 82716
P: 307-688-5000
Crisis Line: 307-688-5050
Student Support Services
Campbell County School District
800 S. Butler Spaeth Rd.
Gillette, WY 82716
P: 307-686-7198
Campbell County Prevention Council (CCPC)
Campbell County Suicide Prevention Coalition (CCSPC)
Ashley Whisler, Community Prevention Specialist for Campbell County
Cell Phone: 307-257-1346
Office Phone: 307-687-6490 | 307-681-6056
Campbell County Suicide Prevention Coalition Handouts
CCSPC: Talking to your kids about suicide
CCSPC: Warning signs that your child may be at risk for suicide
CCSPC: Protecting your child when they are suicidal
Campbell County Health Behavioral Health Services Handouts
Anxiety Flyer
Depression Flyer
Substance Abuse Flyer
Suicide Prevention Flyer
Warning signs that someone may be thinking about or planning to commit suicide include:
Risk factors are characteristics that make it more likely that an individual will consider, attempt, or die by suicide.
We want everyone in our community to watch for signs of depression in any loved ones, friends or neighbors who may have recently lost their jobs. Signs of depression include:
Find Behavioral Health Services at:
Location: Campbell County Memorial Hospital, 501 S. Burma Ave., Fifth Floor,
Gillette, Wyoming
Appointments Available: Monday-Thursday, 8 am-5 pm; Friday, 8 am-12 pm
Phone: 307-688-5000
24/7 Crisis Line: 307-688-5555 after hours, weekends, and holidays
A sliding fee scale is available at CCH Behavioral Health Services (BHS). Learn more about the services BHS provides at www.cchwyo.org/BHS.