If the first thing you do when something is awry with your health is head to “Dr. Google” to figure out what’s wrong, you're not ...
Winter Dehydration One common question our staff hears this time of year is: Can you become dehydrated in the winter? The answer ...
Most people who get influenza, or the flu, will recover without serious complications. Treatment with antibiotics and antiviral ...
Humans are diligent in keeping up with statistics—and this time of year it’s all about football. Who is winning and who is losing. ...
Often, when we think about cholesterol, we think of heart disease, obesity and poor health. Cholesterol, however, is a waxy ...
Source: Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America Allergies are one of the most common chronic diseases. A chronic disease lasts a ...
Source: National Library of Medicine Most of us know that we can reduce our risk of disease by eating a healthy diet, getting ...
Be heart conscious. If you have a history of heart problems and are currently inactive, it’s best to speak with your health care ...
The term heart disease refers to several types of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease and heart attack. Heart ...
It strikes when you least expect it – especially in the summer. As the weather gets warmer, so does the potential for danger; a ...
After your cancer treatment, you're eager to return to good health as a cancer survivor. And after your initial recovery, there ...
“Men don't go to the doctor." Chances are that you've heard this or some version of this before—the old saying that men don't go ...