Our Family Clinic in Hulett provides continuing and comprehensive health care for individuals and families. Family Medicine, or Primary Care providers serve all people of all ages. Our team helps patients establish a medical home to monitor their health and manage chronic illnesses and conditions. In addition to full primary care services, we also provide women’s health services.
Located in the Red Bluffs Medical Center in Hulett, the Family Clinic serves Hulett and the surrounding communities. When you need to see a specialist, we can help you quickly coordinate a referral within Campbell County Medical Group’s system of clinics.
Red Bluff Medical CenterPhone: 307-688-2235
Fax: 307-688-2340
Monday-Thursday 8 am-5 pm
Friday 8 am-12 pm
Family Clinic Hulett provides physical therapy services two days a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 AM - 3 PM.
Services include:
No referral required.
To schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy at Family Clinic Hulett, call 307-688-8000.